The Agency Office in Września is now running

Today is a very important day not only for the inhabitants of Września but also of the entire Wielkopolska Province – said during the opining of WSEZ office Andżelika Możdżanowska, a Senator and a Minister in the prime minister’s office. To more quickly and efficiently answer to the needs of the investors Wałbrzych Sepcial Economic

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Permit for „CORTHINX” sp. z o.o

On the 12 of March 2015 a permit to operate on the territory of Subzone Wałbrzych was granted to „CORTHINX” sp. z o.o The company will produce pleasure and sporting boats. The entrepreneur guaranteed to incur investment costs of at least 7.372.000,00  PLN and to hire at least 20 new employees. The company plans to finish

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New Office in Wielkopolskie Province

Mapa Wrzesińskiej Strefy Aktywności Gospodarczej

Over 370 acres (150 ha) of land included in Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” are waiting for investors in Wielkopolskie Province. To more efficiency answer to the needs of investors WSEZ open an agency office in Września.

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Decision regarding sponsored activities

Strefa Wspiera Sport i Edukację

On the 10th of Mach 2015 the Board of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” evaluated all the applications for financing and sponsoring that were submitted to the company till the end of Fenruary 2015.

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Permit for Solgaz sp. z o.o.

On the 13 of February 2015 a permit to operate on the territory of Subzone Świdnica was granted to Solgaz sp. z o.o. The company will produce domestic appliances products. The entrepreneur guaranteed to incur investment costs of at least 1.333.000,00 and to hire at least 5 new employees. The company plans to finish the

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Permit for Inoxveneta sp. z o.o.

On the 23 of February 2015 a permit to operate on the territory of subzone Strzelin was granted to Inoxveneta sp. z o.o. The company will produce metal products. The entrepreneur guaranteed to incur investment costs of at least 1.800.000,00 and to hire at least 5 new employees. The company plans to finish the investment

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Polish-Japanese Economic Forum

goście II spotkania inwestorów japońskich WSSE

Every sixth Japanese manufacturing company in Poland operates on the territory of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. A Polish-Japanese Economic Forum organized in Tokyo has just come to an end.

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Toyota supports “Mechanik”

Six gearboxes worth 30 thousand złoty were passed by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland to School Complex number 5 in Wałbrzych. The cooperation between Japanese concern operating in Wałbrzych’s zone and “Mechanik” takes place already for 15 years.

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A road of great opportunities

Porozumienie w sprawie stworzenia obszaru aktywności inwestycyjnej w pasie drogi ekspresowej S3.

– Let’s not wait till the S3 road will be built as we perfectly know what will happen in 2018. Besides the official celebration and launching of a communication trail we will open new possibilities for business. Our task is then to make the entrepreneurs want to invest in these territories – explaines Ilona Antoniszyn

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A Chance for innovative development

The financial perspective for years 2014-2020 is a great chance to introduce innovative solutions in your enterprises. The grants can cover even 100% of projects realization costs.

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