A foreign employee – an HR manager’s challenge

Problems arising from taking on employees from abroad, especially from outside the EU, were the main subject of the 9th meeting of the HR Manager’s Club of companies functioning in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”. The complicated rules concerning this matter were explained by Tomasz Bruder, Director of the Department of Citizens and Foreigners Affairs of the Provincial Office in Wrocław, aided by Marek Kaleta and Adam Wójcik, who are both employed at the department.

According to Dominika Ciara, an HR manager at the Żarów-based company Daicel Safety Systems Europe, the procedures connected with employing foreigners need to be discussed in detail.

– It is not only the rules of formally employing foreign workers in Poland that have changed, but also the functioning of the Provincial Department itself. After its reorganization, it is more difficult for us to receive the necessary information because the rules are interpreted differently by different public servants. Fortunately, we have these meetings at “INVEST-PARK”. Thanks to the HR Club, we can clarify lots of debatable issues – Mrs. Ciara said.

The Provincial Office has no shortage of work indeed. The huge workload is also influenced by the current political situation in Ukraine and the necessity to help the refugees.

– We process more than 6,200 residence permits a year, which situates us on the second place after Mazowieckie Province,” Mr. Bruder said. “Of course, we do our best to solve any problems as quickly and efficiently as possible. We all have the investors’ best interests at heart – he added.

During the meeting, Mr. Bruder advised the representatives of HR departments how to avoid procedural traps and how to quickly receive any necessary information. The most important changes in the rules were also discussed. Barbara Kaśnikowska, President of the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK”, is convinced of the usefulness of the HR meetings.

– I think that we discuss matters that are really important for companies, and there is always the possibility of receiving expert advice at the meetings. Another important aspect is the exchange of experiences by the managers themselves. I hear them talk to each other and help in various matters. The high turnout at these meetings proves that it is an excellent imitative – Mrs. Kaśnikowska emphasized.

It has already been the second meeting of the HR Manager’s Club this year. The next workshop is scheduled for May.

Problemy związane z zatrudnianiem obcokrajowców, w tym także tych spoza Unii Europejskiej, były tematem IX spotkania Klubu Menadżerów HR firm działających w Wałbrzyskiej Specjalnej Strefie Ekonomicznej „INVEST-PARK”.


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