“Subsidies for Enterprises” conference

The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” and the Center for Energy Technologies would like to invite you to the conference “TECHNOLOGIES-INNOVATIONS-INVESTMENTS”, which will be devoted to the new EU financial framework 2014-2020 and the possibilities of applying for subsidies within domestic and international programs.

The priority for both the national government and regional authorities is a modern and competitive economy based on the best R&D infrastructure and promising technologies. Out of € 2,252 million that has been allocated to the Regional Operational Program of Dolnośląskie Province, the provincial government is planning to spend at least € 415 million on the “Enterprises and Innovations” axis. Another excellent source of funds for financing R&D projects is the Intelligent Development Operational Program. More than € 392 million will be allocated to projects connected with low-emission economy, especially the production and distribution of renewable energy sources, increasing the energy efficiency of SMEs and implementing low-emission strategies. Support for actions in this field can also be received within programs of the National Fund for Environmental Protection. A number of very interesting solutions will be offered by international programs, including LIFE+, Horizon 2020, and Climate-KIC.

– Within the next few years, active, innovative and courageous entrepreneurs will be offered huge opportunities for development. It may well be the last time when the chance is so excellent and the money so huge. Apart from attracting investors, which is the most important task for any economic zone, our priority is also making sure that business in the region can function as well as possible – says Barbara Kaśnikowska, President of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”.

During the conference titled “SUBSIDIES FOR ENTERPRISES 2014-2020: TECHNOLOGIES – INNOVATIONS – INVESTMENTS”, experts will share their knowledge and experiences with the participants. Among the invited guests will be: specialists on European funds, representatives of the Center for Energy Technologies (an advisory and engineering company that has successfully prepared more than 120 projects), and entrepreneurs who have already managed to receive EU funds. The experts will explain the key principles of the programs, describe what has changed comparing to the previous financial framework, advise how not to get lost on the map of EU funds, and show how to prepare an application in practice.

The conference will be held at the seat of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” (ul. Uczniowska 16, Wałbrzych) on 26 March. The meeting will begin at 11 AM. Several dozen companies from the region have already confirmed their attendance. Among the guests invited to the meeting are:
Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, Deputy Minister of Economy
Roman Szełemej, Mayor of Wałbrzych
Beata Moskal-Słaniewska, Mayor of Świdnica


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