In search of the “gold train”

Two teams are going to examine the site where the WW2 armed train is allegedly located. Piotr Koper and Andreas Richter, who informed the authorities of their discovery almost three months ago, will begin the exploration. The site lies just several dozen meters from the seat of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone.

Piotr Koper and Andreas Richter represent the XYZ company, which has already begun the examination of the site. Although they have already inspected it, the spot is now better prepared – trees have been felled and the area has been checked by sappers.

“We know that the train is here. We don’t need to prove it to ourselves. However, we inspected the site under very different conditions. Now we will obtain much clearer data,” says Piotr Koper. “We will use georadars, metal detectors and a magnetometer.”

Depending on the weather, the examination of the site will take about three days. After this, a second team will set about to work. Experts of the University of Science and Technology in Cracow will carry out independent tests. They will be accompanied by the popular science TV channel Discovery.

“After the inspection, the obtained data will be analyzed in order to confirm the information about the discovery. Subsequent steps will then be decided. It is too early to discuss when and how we are going to excavate the find,” says Arkadiusz Grudzień of Wałbrzych Municipal Office.

Do sprawdzania terenu użyjemy georadarów, wykrywaczy metalu i magnetometru – wymienia Piotr Koper

Po badaniach nastąpi analiza zebranych danych, która zweryfikuje informacje o znalezisku – mówi Arkadiusz Grudzień z Urzędu Miejskiego w Wałbrzychu

"Złoty Pociąg" ma się znajdować na 65 km trasy kolejowej Wrocław - Wałbrzych

Badania prowadzone przez osoby, które zgłosiły domniemane znalezisko potrwają około 3 dni



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