Second edition of Business Mixer

More than 200 entrepreneurs from all over Poland participated in the second edition of INVEST-PARK Business Mixer, which was organised by the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. It was the largest event of this kind in Lower Silesia, which provided an excellent opportunity to establish business contacts.

“The Wałbrzych zone cares about creating the right climate for investment, which is the reason why this meeting is attended by so many important people. Our aim is to enable our tenants to establish contacts with entrepreneurs functioning outside the WSEZ. Such contacts can turn into permanent cooperation and contribute to quicker growth,” said Maciej Badora, President of the Wałbrzych zone.

In the first part of the meeting, the participants sat at round tables and gave two-minute presentations of their companies. Having outlined their offer, they listened to other presenters and then joined another group of potential partners. After four sessions, each participant had more than 30 business contacts.

“I must admit that I’d been rather skeptical before coming to the meeting, but my approach changed as time went by. These short, two-minute presentations were crucial to understand the specificity of each company and later invite selected people to talks,” summarized Piotr Kuś, Managing Director of Electrolux’s plant in Świdnica.

“Time pressure forced the participants to choose only the most important facts about their business activity. This formula makes it possible to get to know many people, and these contacts can bear fruit in the future,” said Jolanta Woźniak, Key Accounts Manager at Nifco Poland.

After the presentation of companies, the participants moved on to the networking part. In unofficial talks they had a chance to learn about the details of selected offers and establish relations with people that they could not meet at the tables.

“I am not going to deny that I have managed to obtained a considerable number of contacts, which will probably lead to further talks and potential cooperation,” said Andrzej Modzelewski, Purchase Coordinator at Mahle.

Among the participants in INVEST-PARK Business Mixer were entrepreneurs from the following provinces: Dolnośląskie, Opolskie, Wielkopolskie, Łódzkie, Mazowieckie, Pomorskie, and even Kujawsko-Pomorskie. They represented the following industries: automotive, IT, home appliances, construction, chemical, pharmaceutical, electrical, as well as services: advisory, logistic, metal and plastic processing.

“It is a unique event that attracts firms functioning both in the zone and outside it. It is worth using such opportunities, not only to find customers, but also business partners and new platforms for exchanging experiences. These are the reasons why we were the partner of this event for the second time,” explained Natalia Komarzańska of Olesiński i Wspólnicy legal office.

INVEST-PARK Business Mixer was held at Wrocław Congress Center near the Centennial Hall, which was the main partner of the event. The meeting finished with an evening show of the multimedia fountain. The spectacle, which combined music, water, light and laser projections, had been prepared especially for this occasion.


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