Zaproszenie do II przetargu pisemnego ograniczonego wyznaczonego na 21.03.2024 r. (Wałbrzych – nieruchomość zabudowana budynkiem hali produkcyjno-magazynową) / an invitation to the 2nd limited written tender scheduled on March 21st, 2024 (Wałbrzych – a developed property built up with an industrial building).

The Manager of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” informs, that on March 21st, 2024 , were completed works of the commission for a limited written tender, which was scheduled for March 21st, 2024 and aimed at selecting an entrepreneur, who will purchase a developed property with a total area of the land 0.8027 ha, consisting of plot of land: No. 123 (Ba – industrial land), No. 102/18 (Bp – urbanized land undeveloped or under development), No. 102/16 (Bp – urbanized land undeveloped or under development) located at 32 Uczniowska Street in Walbrzych, built up with an industrial hall building with a two-story office building and infrastructure with a total usable area of 2756.32m2, Municipality Wałbrzych, Poviat Walbrzych, precinct 0010 Poniatów, in Walbrzych County, in the Lower Silesia Voivodeship in the Subzone of the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone INVEST-PARK, owned by the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd for which the District Court in Walbrzych, 5th Land Registry Department keeps a land and mortgage register No. SW1W/00052909/0.


Due to the fact that the conditions specified in the invitation to tender were not met, no bidder was qualified for the tender by the Commission, the in camera part of the tender was not held and by Resolution No. 8279/24 of the Management Board of the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” sp. z o. o. with its seat in Walbrzych dated March 22, 2024 the tender was considered as finished with negative result.


THE WALBRZYCH SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE „INVEST-PARK” Ltd with its seat in Wałbrzych, 58 – 306 Wałbrzych,  Uczniowska 16 Street, as a Manager of the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone „INVEST-PARK” announces an invitation to the limited written tender scheduled on January 31st, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. and aimed at selecting an entrepreneur who will acquire a developed property with a total area of the land 0.8027 ha, consisting of plot of land: No. 123 (Ba – industrial land), No. 102/18 (Bp – urbanized land undeveloped or under development), No. 102/16 (Bp – urbanized land undeveloped or under development) located at 32 Uczniowska Street in Walbrzych, built up with an industrial hall building with a two-story office building and infrastructure with a total usable area of 2756.32m2, located in Walbrzych City at 32 Uczniowska Street, precinct 0010 Poniatów, Municipality Wałbrzych, in Walbrzych County, in the Lower Silesia Voivodeship in the Subzone of the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone INVEST-PARK, owned by the WSEZ “INVEST-PARK” Ltd for which the District Court in Walbrzych, 5th Land Registry Department keeps a land and mortgage register No. SW1W/00052909/0, hereinafter referred to as the “Real Property”.

The tender is limited only to entrepreneurs intending to conduct on the Real Property production or service activities, allowed by provisions of local spatial development plan and in accordance with the Investment Development Plan for the area managed by the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone INVEST-PARK (PRI).

Full text of the invitation is attached in the file: 2. annoucement Wałbrzych II tender



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