About PLN 3 billion will be spent on investments by 36 entrepreneurs who received permits to operate in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” in 2016. The implementation of the projects will result in the creation of 1,300 jobs.
Among those who have decided to carry out new investment projects is the Toyota corporation, which has factories in Wałbrzych and Jelcz-Laskowice. The Wałbrzych plant of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland will begin the production of hybrid gear transmissions. Starting in 2018, the factory will also carry out research. Another project involves the beginning of production of petrol engines in Jelcz-Laskowice in 2019. Currently the factory of Toyota Motor Industries Poland makes diesel motors. The total capital expenditure amounts to PLN 650 million, which will result in employing another 650 people.
Meanwhile, the Lower Silesian Economic Activity Zone in Jawor will host an investment project of the Daimler corporation. The factory of Mercedes-Benz Manufacturing Poland will produce a new generation of four cylinder engines. The investor declares incurring capital expenditure of about €500 million and creating several hundred jobs.
The first investor from China has decided to do business in the Wałbrzych zone. Hongbo Clean Energy will erect a plant where LED lighting systems will be made. The investment will cost over PLN 78 million and around 100 people will find jobs at the factory.
“In 2016 we assumed that we were going to issue around twenty permits to operate in the zone. Actually, we issued almost 40 of them. We hope that this trend will continue in the next few years. Poland is a stable and attractive country that offers good conditions for investors. The region where the Wałbrzych zone is located is particularly advantageous due to its location, newly built roads, modernized railway network, and the availability of skilled workers. These elements make us look into the future with optimism,” says Maciej Badora, President of the Wałbrzych Zone.
The WSEZ is the largest among 14 special economic zones functioning in Poland. In 2016 it expanded to cover another 630 ha of land. The existing subzones in Prudnik and Otmuchów were enlarged and five new subzones were created in Pleszew, Bolków, Wądroże Wielkie, Dobromierz and Jawor. It currently covers over 3,500 ha in 53 subzones.
More than 200 tenants have already invested in the Wałbrzych zone. Their joint capital expenditure exceeds PLN 23.5 billion and they employ over 48,000 people.