Tenders archives

Invitation to a tender – purchase of real estate in Września

WALBRZYCH SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE “INVEST-PARK” Ltd with its seat in Wałbrzych, 58 – 306 Wałbrzych, Uczniowska 16 Street, Phone: (+48 74) 664 – 91 – 64; e-mail: invest@invest-park.com.pl as Manager of the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” announces an invitation to an unlimited written tender aimed at selecting a business entity which will acquire a

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Invitation to a negotiations of 24.09.2015 (Września Subzone)

WALBRZYCH SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE “INVEST – PARK” sp. z o.o. with its seat in Wałbrzych, 58 – 306 Walbrzych, Uczniowska 16 street, Phone: (+48 74) 664- 91- 63, 664- 91- 64; Fax.: (+48 74) 664- 91-62 as the Manager of the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST – PARK”, according to the ordinance of the Minister

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