Permit for Inoxveneta sp. z o.o.

On the 23 of February 2015 a permit to operate on the territory of subzone Strzelin was granted to Inoxveneta sp. z o.o. The company will produce metal products. The entrepreneur guaranteed to incur investment costs of at least 1.800.000,00 and to hire at least 5 new employees. The company plans to finish the investment

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Polish-Japanese Economic Forum

goście II spotkania inwestorów japońskich WSSE

Every sixth Japanese manufacturing company in Poland operates on the territory of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. A Polish-Japanese Economic Forum organized in Tokyo has just come to an end.

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Toyota supports “Mechanik”

Six gearboxes worth 30 thousand złoty were passed by Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland to School Complex number 5 in Wałbrzych. The cooperation between Japanese concern operating in Wałbrzych’s zone and “Mechanik” takes place already for 15 years.

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A road of great opportunities

Porozumienie w sprawie stworzenia obszaru aktywności inwestycyjnej w pasie drogi ekspresowej S3.

– Let’s not wait till the S3 road will be built as we perfectly know what will happen in 2018. Besides the official celebration and launching of a communication trail we will open new possibilities for business. Our task is then to make the entrepreneurs want to invest in these territories – explaines Ilona Antoniszyn

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A Chance for innovative development

The financial perspective for years 2014-2020 is a great chance to introduce innovative solutions in your enterprises. The grants can cover even 100% of projects realization costs.

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Awards for WSEZ localizations

Seven Cities, in which Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone operates – Wrocław, Kobierzyce, Świdnica, Opole, Oława, Wałbrzych and Śrem were highly rated in the first Polish Cities of the Future 2015/16 competition.

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Zone companies awarded by The Ministry of Economy

Nagrody Ministerstwa Gospodarki

The Ministry of Economy awarded schools and entrepreneurs from Dolnośląskie Province operating in Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. The statues are a reward for realizing projects of vocational education adapted to the needs of employers.

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The cluster „INVEST in EDU” established

Podpisanie Klastra Edukacyjnego "INVEST in EDU"

– Employers in special economic zones declared their will to take on around 4,5 thousand trainees. The collective of entrepreneurs, schools and local governments will allow us to effectively answer to the needs of labour market – said during the conference “Wiser. How to teach and train for economy.” Ilona Antoniszyn-Klik, the Vice-minister of Economy.

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Re-visit in China

– Small and medium enterprises from China are planning their expansion to European markets. We will try to attract them to our region – says Barbara Kaśnikowska, the President of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone. Delegates from Dolnośląskie Province have come back from their visit to China. During the mission a cooperation agreement between Wałbrzych and

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New manager of “INVEST-PARK” in Opole

Close cooperation with local governments and the Center of Economic Development in Opole, commitment in the progression of two main branches of industry in the Province – these are the priorities of Kamil Goździk, the new manager of Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” in Opole. He believes that this way he can attract new investors

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