Cherry trees blossom in the Wałbrzych zone, too

Japanese entrepreneurs functioning in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone have so far invested almost 5 billion zlotys. It means that they have incurred the largest capital expenditure of all the national groups in the WSEZ.

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Invitation to a negotiations of 24.09.2015 (Września Subzone)

WALBRZYCH SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE “INVEST – PARK” sp. z o.o. with its seat in Wałbrzych, 58 – 306 Walbrzych, Uczniowska 16 street, Phone: (+48 74) 664- 91- 63, 664- 91- 64; Fax.: (+48 74) 664- 91-62 as the Manager of the Walbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST – PARK”, according to the ordinance of the Minister

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The S5 – a quick road to success

They have been brought together by the S5, which is currently under construction. The Agricultural Property Agency, the Polish Foreign Investment and Information Agency (PAIiIZ), special economic zones, self-governments and the Ministry of Economy – these are the signatories of the agreement “The S5 – Towards Good Investments”. The agreement, which was signed in Żmigród,

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The Wałbrzych zone’s new office in Bolesławiec

Companies functioning in the Bolesławiec subzone of the WSEZ have so far invested almost 220 million zlotys and created more than 500 jobs. Potential investors in the subzone can still use 54 ha of land offering tax exemptions. The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” has now decided to open a branch office in Bolesławiec.

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Kayser Automotive Systems Kłodzko begins production

Just three months after receiving the permit to conduct business activity in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”, Kayser Automotive Systems is about to begin production. In its plant in Jaszkowa Dolna near Kłodzko, the company will make car subassemblies for Volkswagen, among others. Guests to the official ceremony of opening the plant included: Ilona

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About changes in labor law and parental rights

Next year, the rules concerning the conclusion of fixed-time employment contracts will change, as will parental rights. The 11th edition of workshops held as part of the “INVEST-PARK” HR CLUB was devoted to these issues.

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We have run with Toyota yet again!

More than 200 participants competed in the ninth edition of the Ekiden run, which was organised by the Wałbrzych-based factory of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland. Part of the money collected during the event was donated to support the treatment of an ill girl.

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We invite you to Polish-German Economic Forum

Close and based on trust Polish-German economic cooperation over the years is delivering effects. Germany is the main trading partner Polish. Our country imports most of its neighbors across the Oder River, but Germany is also the main destination for exports of Polish goods. Last year Poland moved up to 8th place as a trading

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Education for the economy

At least 204 million zlotys will be spent on making the educational system better suited to meet the needs of the modern economy, e.g. by encouraging the cooperation between schools and entrepreneurs. The changes in the vocational education system initiated by the Ministry of Economy together with other ministries and Lower Silesian special economic zones

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Investments for the economy

The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” is planning to spend around 80 million zlotys on projects that will increase the attractiveness of its locations. Within the next few years, the zone will construct up to ten production floors available to investors. “I am confident that these facilities will attract new firms to the zone and

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