
Polish-German science and technology bridge

Opportunities for cooperation between business and academia, spending European funds on innovative projects, and the rationale for locating investments within special economic zones – these were the subjects raised during the first edition of the Polish-German “Bridge” conference in Opole. Among the participants was Jarosław Gowin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Science and Higher

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Become a “Business Star”

We would like to invite you to participate in the second edition of the Lower Silesian competition “Business Stars”. Entries can be submitted in six categories: Micro Company, Small Company, Medium-sized Company, Family Company, Socially Responsible Company, and Business-friendly Self-government. The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone co-organizes the event.

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The Wałbrzych zone with a new board

Maciej Badora, who comes from Wałbrzych, has become the new President of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK”. The function of Deputy President will be fulfilled by Michał Szukała, an entrepreneur and self- government member from Świdnica. The new board was appointed during the general meeting of the zone’s shareholders.

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The zone is building a production floor for entrepreneurs

Hala Dzierzoniow - wizualizacja2

Another production floor built by the Wałbrzych zone is about to be made available for lease by investors. The facility, with a floor area of 5,600 m2, is being constructed in Dzierżoniów. The Board of the zone is hoping that it will attract new investors, who will generate more jobs in the town.

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Machining without secrets

Thanks to the support of the Alea-Wings of Development Foundation, the students of School Complex no. 5 in Wałbrzych had an opportunity to discover the intricacies of machining. About 160 of them participated in three technical seminars.

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Entrepreneurs involved in vocational education

Two classes sponsored by companies functioning within the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” will be launched in September. Students at the Center for Vocational and Continuing Education in Strzelin will train to become mechanical technicians, while those at the Upper-Secondary School Complex no. 1 in Kłodzko will learn the profession of tailor (fabric cutter) /

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Toyota under new management

Wałbrzyska fabryka Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland

Eiji Takeichi has become the new President of Toyota Motor Manufacturing Poland. He has replaced Carl Klemm, who served in this position for almost six years. Toyota’s factory in Wałbrzych is one of the largest manufacturing facilities in the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone, and the company’s largest factory outside Japan.

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After Business Mixer

 150 companies, two minutes to present the offer, four presentation sessions, several dozen new contacts – this is the first edition of INVEST-PARK Business Mixer in a nutshell. It has been the largest event of this kind in Lower Silesia. The meeting was organised by the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone in the Centennial Hall in

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In search of the “gold train”

Poszukiwania "Złotego Pociągu"

Two teams are going to examine the site where the WW2 armed train is allegedly located. Piotr Koper and Andreas Richter, who informed the authorities of their discovery almost three months ago, will begin the exploration. The site lies just several dozen meters from the seat of the Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone.

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United for the car industry

The Wałbrzych Special Economic Zone “INVEST-PARK” has joined the Lower Silesian Automotive Cluster, which is coordinated by the Legnica zone. The cluster has been joined by two other new partners – companies functioning in the WSEZ. The official signing of the partnership agreement took place at the Książ Castle in Wałbrzych.

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